尽管我们是一间相对年轻的公司,但我们已经在新加坡多家知名媒体平台上亮相。我们有幸接受了包括新传媒、Channel News Asia、Timeout杂志、新明日报等在内的知名频道的采访。我们的故事还在八频道晚间六点半新闻和八频道早间新闻中展示。
自2021年11月开业以来,正值健身行业蓬勃发展且竞争激烈之际,我们的公司在新加坡取得了非凡的增长和认可。不到2年的时间里,我们的会员数量已经接近500人,我们成功地培训了超过3000名参与者,其中不仅包括个人,还有Sisley Paris和Sembcorp等全球大型公司。
由我们尊贵的主要教练Elin Zhang女士领导,参与者可以确保深入了解蹦极!
加入我们在Elin Bungee Studio举办的蹦极教练培训课程。Elin Bungee Studio是新加坡最大、最有知名度的蹦极室。在5天内,您将成为认证的蹦极教练,加入新加坡最受认可的蹦极教练团队!无论是否有蹦极经验,都适合报名!已经尝试过蹦极的参与者,准备将您的技能提升到新的水平!
加入我们在Elin Bungee Studio举办的蹦极教练培训课程。Elin Bungee Studio是新加坡最大、最有知名度的蹦极室。在5天内,您将成为认证的蹦极教练,加入新加坡最受认可的蹦极教练团队!无论是否有蹦极经验,都适合报名!已经尝试过蹦极的参与者,准备将您的技能提升到新的水平!
课程包括哪些内容?由我们经验丰富的专业导师指导的5天培训(35小时,每天上午9点至下午5点) 20小时的实习 有机会成为Elin Bungee 团队的尊贵教练成员
为什么选择成为蹦极教练?成为新加坡蹦极认证至顶级教练之一! 获得额外的收入来源 如果您渴望成为一名教练,但没有专业技能
谁可以成为蹦极教练?热衷于蹦极 无论是否有蹦极经验 如果您没有任何重大健康问题 如果您喜欢与人们互动 如果您想要自我提升 如果您要额外收入来源 如果您是一位瑜伽爱好者,舞者,运动达人,瑜伽老师,创业者等等
Why Elin Bungee Studio?Unparalleled Studio Reputation: Joining our Bungee Train the Trainer Programme means being associated with a studio renowned for its Bungee Fitness programmes, professionalism and commitment to excellence. Media Recognition: Benefit from our extensive media coverage with major companies such as Mediacorp, AsiaOne, TimeOut, and more, giving you exposure and credibility as a certified bungee trainer. Prestigious Partnership: Our studio's role as the Official Bungee Training Studio for the President's Star Charity 2022 reflects the trust and recognition we have earned in the industry. Highest Professional Standards: Our Bungee studio in Singapore prides itself on maintaining the highest professional standards, ensuring a safe and rewarding training experience. Enhanced Teaching Techniques: Learn teaching techniques refined through years of experience, allowing you to stand out as a professional bungee trainer with advanced skills. Industry Recognition: Being affiliated with the biggest and most recognized bungee studio in Singapore elevates your professional profile, earning recognition and respect within the fitness community. By enrolling in our Bungee Trainer Program, you'll not only receive comprehensive technical training but also immerse yourself in a professional environment that values growth, excellence, and success. Embrace the opportunity to make a significant impact in the world of bungee fitness and take your career to new heights with us.
Elin Zhang
Founder and Main Instructor, Elin Dance Studio Pte Ltd
加入我们在Elin Bungee Studio举办的蹦极教练培训课程。Elin Bungee Studio是新加坡最大、最有知名度的蹦极室。在5天内,您将成为认证的蹦极教练,加入新加坡最受认可的蹦极教练团队!无论是否有蹦极经验,都适合报名!已经尝试过蹦极的参与者,准备将您的技能提升到新的水平!